A Merciful Tribute To The Sisters

Title: A Mercyful Tribute To The Sisters
Track: First & Last & Always
Format: CD
Info: Tribute album to The Sisters Of Mercy
Year: 2000
Label: Tribute Records
Other artists participating: Mobile Mob Freakshow, Dan Swanö, Desire, Headtrip Inc, Funhouse, Bay Laurel, Mist Of Avalon and more



This is the sequel to the Disclosure album and was released to the fans in 1999, resulting in another chart position for the Cowboys. The album takes the listener through a series of events to give answers to some of the questions put in mind during Disclosure – Episode I and to bring to surface a couple of new ones as well.

Musically DSC takes on a new type of sound with this production, containing massive guitar-riffs, soothing ballads, sweaping melodies and vocals both soft and brutal. All this mixed together in a clean production makes High a very strong album from the Dark Side.

Release info

Year: 1999
Label: Nangijala Records
Format: CD

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Angel Child IV – On The Side Of Angels

Title: Angel Child IV – On The Side Of Angels
Tracks: Stars (Gothamite Mix)
Format: CD
Year: 1999
Label: M&A Musicart
Other artists participating: The Misled, God’s Bow, Star Industry, The Mist of Avalon, Funhouse, Killing Miranda and many more



This fully packed album (19 tracks) passing the 70 minutes border of runningtime was actually released and sold as a CDM (believe it or not). Most contains the second single from the album High and also a bonus single named “Tears for You”, that refers back to the Cowboys’ first album The Apocryphal. And as if that wasn’t enough, DSC invites to a third chapter and deliver special bonus tracks with remixes by bands like Red Butt Closeup and Soulgrinder. The Most single itself is a very intense and somewhat brutal experience.

Release info

Year: 1998
Label: Nangijala Records
Format: CD-Maxi/CD

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The Power of Gothic

Title: The Power of Gothic
Tracks: Cyanide Dreams, Bloodred Moon, UnfortuNataly
Format: Double-CD
Info: A compliation released by SPV, not approved by DSC directly.
Year: 1998
Label: SPV
Other artists participating: Patricia Morrison, Love Like Blood, Eyes of the Nightmare Jungle, Merry Thoughts, Kyoto Blue and many more.

Subsoil II

Title: Subsoil II
Tracks: UnfortuNataly (Listen!)
Format: CD
Year: 1998
Label: Nangijala Records/Moriensis Productions
Other artists participating: The Nefilim, Covenant, Red Butt Closeup, Station Obscen, Yvonne, Nothing Left, Project-X, Kindred Spirits, Q-Department, Bay Laurel, Malaise, Dawn of Oblivion, Nocturnal Notion, Desire, The Misled, Naggaroth Nightmares, Children On Stun, Decades, Soulgrinder.



The first single from the album High contains 6 tracks. It was awarded Single of the Year -98 by Zynthec Music Magazine (now known as Zero Music Magazine) and also climbed the charts at Swedish Alternative Music Awards the same year. It contains two versions of the by many favorable title song along with some other teasers of what’s to follow in its footsteps. Also you find an excklusive song in “Noctürne”, dedicated to Brandy Wahlén, a close friend to the band and former singer in La Solitude, who passed away tragically in 97.

Release info

Year: 1998
Label: Nangijala Records
Format: CD

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Sauna 02

Title: Sauna 02 – alt. Sauna Vintern 1997
Tracks: Disclosure (Messy Remix)
Format: Magazine + CD
Info: Limited edition release with Sauna Magazine
Year: 1997
Label: Sauna Magazine
Other artists participating: Red Butt Closeup, Project-X, Statemachine, Q-Department D.C., Secluded Place, Cantique and many more.



Reflections is the limited edition release of 1997 from the Cowboys (there has been one limited edition release each year between 1994-1997). It holds a number of exclusive tracks, such as the confusing “Fun Car”, the raging “Torture” and the instrumental “Winter part I”. It also has several hard to find tracks like “Once Again”, and a liverecording of “Bloodred Moon”, taken from the Such A Bitter Tour -97. This baby was only released in a very limited edition so you should be lucky if you got one…

Release info

Year: 1997
Label: Moriensis Productions
Format: CD

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